Circulating microRNAs as functional biomarkers in cardioprotective exercise - the SPORTIVA study

Schmitz B, Schelleckes K, Lenders M, Thorwesten L, Klose A, Krüger M, Brands SM,

Abstract in Online-Sammlung (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


Introduction: Background - Circulating microRNAs (miRs) as part of the epigenetic machinery exertdiverse effects on cardiovascular function, can be assessed by minimally invasive procedures andare responsive to physical activity. The Sports in Vascular Aging (SPORTIVA) study aims to identifyfunctional miRs as physiological markers to monitor the efficiency of different cardioprotectiveexercise regimes.›› Methods: In 2016, 61 young healthy participants were consecutively recruited and randomizedinto one of three training groups using exercise capacity determined by an incremental continuousrunning test (maximum performance test). During a 4-week intervention, the high-intensityinterval training (HIIT) group performed three training sessions/weeks of 4 x 30 s runs at maximumspeed (all-out), the progressive HIIT (proHIIT) group performed one extra repetition every week (upto 7 x 30 s). A low-intensity training (LIT) group performed three training sessions/week for 25 min< 75 % of maximal heart rate. Blood was sampled from participants‘ earlobes using a 20 μl capillarywith subsequent Trizol extraction. Quantification of atheroprotective miR-126-3p and 126-5p wasperformed on an ABI7500 fast real-time PCR system using TaqMan MicroRNA assays with cel-mir-39as spike in control for normalization.›› Results: No acute exercise-induced change of miR-126 was detected before the intervention,neither in the LIT (after 25 min low-intensity running) nor the HIIT groups (after 4 min of high-intensityrunning). After the intervention, the LIT group presented increased miR-126-3p levels (p<0.05pre- vs post-exercise). HIIT did not elevate miR-126 levels, whereas the proHIIT intervention elevatedpost-exercise miR-126-3p and -5p levels (all p<0.01, pre- vs post-exercise).›› Conclusion: We conclude that plasma concentrations of known anti-atherogenic miRssuch as miR-126 depend on the individual fitness level and can be regulated by LIT and HIIT in shortterminterventions. Circulating miRs with known atheroprotective functions may be used for optimizationand control of physical activities in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Details zur Publikation

Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
KonferenzDeutscher Olympischer Sportärztekongress der DGSP & GOTS, Hamburg, Germany, undefined
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Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Thorwesten, Lothar
Institut für Sportwissenschaft