Geosemantic Taboo

Michels Henry, Bartoschek Thomas

Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz) | Peer reviewed


Since the last decades semantic interoperability is a major issue in GI-Science. Semantic interoperability addresses the avoidance of semantic conflicts, which happen during communication processes dealing with geographic information. Ontology is the magic bullet when talking about solutions for semantic conflicts. However, the most existing ontologies fail in achieving equal interpretations of the represented part of reality. Our work will briefly reflect the current situation in ontology engineering and show exemplarily why ontologies are insufficiently crafted. We come up with an approach to identify and evaluate a minimum of expressiveness, which have to be provided to ensure the usefulness of ontologies according to their purpose. We propose a game-based application concept for educational purposes that supports the collection of vocabularies for ontology engineering.

Details zur Publikation

Herausgeber*innenDegbelo Auriol, Brink Juliane, Stasch Christoph, Chipofya Malumbo, Gerkensmeyer T., Humayun M. I., Wang Jia, Broelemann Klaus, Wang Dong, Eppe M., Lee J. H.
BuchtitelProceedings of GI Zeitgeist 2012
VerlagAkademische Verlagsgesellschaft
Titel der ReiheifgiPrints (ISSN: 2191-5237)
Nr. in Reihe44
Sprache, in der die Publikation verfasst istEnglisch
KonferenzGI-Zeitgeist, Münster, undefined
Stichwörtergame-based learning; Ontology engineering; semantics; taboo

Autor*innen der Universität Münster

Bartoschek, Thomas
Professur für Geoinformatik (Prof. Schwering) (SIL)
Michels, Henry
Institut für Geoinformatik (ifgi)