Barroso A, Kemper B, Woerdemann W, Vollmer A, Ketelhut S, von Bally G, Denz C
Forschungsartikel in Sammelband (Konferenz) | Peer reviewedOptical tweezers are a versatile technique to manipulate living biological specimen in a contact-less way. The interactionwith living cells can be performed, for example, through direct manipulation of cell organelles or by movement of aninternalized particle within the cytoplasm. However, the risk of damage that the trapping beam may induce in the biologicalsample due to the energy deposition has to be considered. This optically induced damage or photodamage dependsmainly on the wavelength of the trapping beam, the exposure time and the biological specimen that is investigated.In this work, we explore a method to analyse the photo damage in living cells in a multimodal biophotonic workstationthat is based on combining a holographic optical tweezers (HOT) microscope with a self-interference digital holographicmicroscopy (DHM) module. A time-dependent investigation shows that no observable changes in the cell morphologyare induced at room conditions with the used laser power of the trapping beam during periods of time < 20 min of laserapplication. In addition, results from investigations of the photodamage increasing the working temperature to 37°Cdemonstrate that the optical tweezers beam can provoke severe but reversible morphology changes in the cell.
Barroso Pena, Alvaro | Institut für Angewandte Physik |
Denz, Cornelia | Professur für Angewandte Physik (Prof. Denz) |
Kemper, Björn | Labor für Biophysik (CeBOP) |
Von Bally, Gert | Labor für Biophysik (CeBOP) |
Wördemann, Mike | Institut für Angewandte Physik |