Adare A, Afanasiev S, Aidala C, Ajitanand NN, Akiba Y, Al-Bataineh H, Alexander J, Al-Jamel A, Angerami A, Aoki K, Apadula N, Aphecetche L, Aramaki Y, Armendariz R, Aronson SH, Asai J, Atomssa ET, Averbeck R, Awes TC, Azmoun B, Babintsev V, Bai M, Baksay G, Baksay L, Baldisseri A, Barish KN, Barnes PD, Bassalleck B, Basye AT, Bathe S, Batsouli S, Baublis V, Bauer F, Baumann C, Bazilevsky A, Belikov S, Belmont R, Bennett R, Berdnikov A, Berdnikov Y, Bhom JH, Bickley AA, Bjorndal MT, Blau DS, Boissevain JG, Bok JS, Borel H, Borggren N, Boyle K, Brooks ML, Brown DS, Bucher D, Buesching H, Bumazhnov V, Bunce G, Burward-Hoy JM, Butsyk S, Campbell S, Caringi A, Chai JS, Chang BS, Charvet JL, Chen CH, Chernichenko S, Chiba J, Chi CY, Chiu M, Choi IJ, Choi JB, Choudhury RK, Christiansen P, Chujo T, Chung P, Churyn A, Chvala O, Cianciolo V, Citron Z, Cleven CR, Cobigo Y, Cole BA, Comets MP, del Valle ZC, Connors M, Constantin P, Csanad M, Csorgo T, Dahms T, Dairaku S, Danchev I, Das K, Datta A, David G, Dayananda MK, Deaton MB, Dehmelt K, Delagrange H, Denisov A, d'Enterria D, Deshpande A, Desmond EJ, Dharmawardane KV, Dietzsch O, Dion A, Donadelli M, D'Orazio L, Drachenberg JL, Drapier O, Drees A, Drees KA, Dubey AK, Durham JM, Durum A, Dutta D, Dzhordzhadze V, Edwards S, Efremenko YV, Egdemir J, Ellinghaus F, Emam WS, Engelmore T, Enokizono A, En'yo H, Espagnon B, Esumi S, Eyser KO, Fadem B, Fields DE, Finger M, Finger M, Fleuret F, Fokin SL, Forestier B, Fraenkel Z, Frantz JE, Franz A, Frawley AD, Fujiwara K, Fukao Y, Fung SY, Fusayasu T, Gadrat S, Garishvili I, Gastineau F, Germain M, Glenn A, Gong H, Gonin M, Gosset J, Goto Y, de Cassagnac RG, Grau N, Greene SV, Grim G, Perdekamp MG, Gunji T, Gustafsson HA, Hachiya T, Henni AH, Haegemann C, Haggerty JS, Hagiwara MN, Hahn KI, Hamagaki H, Hamblen J, Hanks J, Han R, Harada H, Hartouni EP, Haruna K, Harvey M, Haslum E, Hasuko K, Hayano R, Heffner M, Hemmick TK, Hester T, Heuser JM, He X, Hiejima H, Hill JC, Hobbs R, Hohlmann M, Holmes M, Holzmann W, Homma K, Hong B, Horaguchi T, Hornback D, Huang S, Hur MG, Ichihara T, Ichimiya R, Iinuma H, Ikeda Y, Imai K, Inaba M, Inoue Y, Isenhower D, Isenhower L, Ishihara M, Isobe T, Issah M, Isupov A, Ivanischev D, Iwanaga Y, Jacak BV, Jia J, Jiang X, Jin J, Jinnouchi O, Johnson BM, Jones T, Joo KS, Jouan D, Jumper DS, Kajihara F, Kametani S, Kamihara N, Kamin J, Kaneta M, Kang JH, Kanou H, Kapustinsky J, Karatsu K, Kasai M, Kawagishi T, Kawall D, Kawashima M, Kazantsev AV, Kelly S, Kempel T, Khanzadeev A, Kijima KM, Kikuchi J, Kim A, Kim BI, Kim DH, Kim DJ, Kim EJ, Kim E, Kim YJ, Kim YS, Kinney E, Kiss A, Kistenev E, Kiyomichi A, Klay J, Klein-Boesing C, Kochenda L, Kochetkov V, Komkov B, Konno M, Koster J, Kotchetkov D, Kotov D, Kozlov A, Kral A, Kravitz A, Kroon PJ, Kubart J, Kunde GJ, Kurihara N, Kurita K, Kurosawa M, Kweon MJ, Kwon Y, Kyle GS, Lacey R, Lai YS, Lajoie JG, Lebedev A, Le Bornec Y, Leckey S, Lee DM, Lee J, Lee KB, Lee KS, Lee MK, Lee T, Leitch MJ, Leite MAL, Lenzi B, Lichtenwalner P, Liebing P, Lim H, Levy LAL, Liska T, Litvinenko A, Liu H, Liu MX, Li X, Li XH, Love B, Lynch D, Maguire CF, Makdisi YI, Malakhov A, Malik MD, Manko VI, Mannel E, Mao Y, Masek L, Masui H, Matathias F, McCain MC, McCumber M, McGaughey PL, Means N, Meredith B, Miake Y, Mibe T, Mignerey AC, Mikes P, Miki K, Miller TE, Milov A, Mioduszewski S, Mishra GC, Mishra M, Mitchell JT, Mitrovski M, Mohanty AK, Moon HJ, Morino Y, Morreale A, Morrison DP, Moss JM, Moukhanova TV, Mukhopadhyay D, Murakami T, Murata J, Nagamiya S, Nagata Y, Nagle JL, Naglis M, Nagy MI, Nakagawa I, Nakamiya Y, Nakamura KR, Nakamura T, Nakano K, Nam S, Newby J, Nguyen M, Nihashi M, Norman BE, Nouicer R, Nyanin AS, Nystrand J, Oakley C, O'Brien E, Oda SX, Ogilvie CA, Ohnishi H, Ojha ID, Okada K, Oka M, Omiwade OO, Onuki Y, Oskarsson A, Otterlund I, Ouchida M, Ozawa K, Pak R, Pal D, Palounek APT, Pantuev V, Papavassiliou V, Park IH, Park J
Forschungsartikel (Zeitschrift)The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K+K- decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R-AA for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R-dA for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R-AA of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediate p(T) range (2-5 GeV/c), whereas, at higher p(T), the phi, pi(0), and. show similar suppression. The baryon (proton and antiproton) excess observed in central Au + Au collisions at intermediate p(T) is not observed for the phi meson despite the similar masses of the proton and the phi. This suggests that the excess is linked to the number of valence quarks in the hadron rather than its mass. The difference gradually disappears with decreasing centrality, and, for peripheral collisions, the R-AA values for both particle species are consistent with binary scaling. Cu + Cu collisions show the same yield and suppression as Au + Au collisions for the same number of N-part. The R-dA of phi shows no evidence for cold nuclear effects within uncertainties.
Bucher, Damian | Gruppe 2.3: Dienste und Projekte |