From Black to Schwarz: Cultural Crossovers between African America and Germany

Diedrich Maria, Heinrichs Jürgen

Fachbuch (Herausgegebenes Buch)


Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung From Black to Schwarz explores the long and varied history of the exchanges between African America and Germany with a particular focus on cultural interplay. Covering a wide range of media of expression - music, performance, film, scholarship, literature, visual arts, reviews - the essays collected in this volume trace and analyze a cultural interaction, collaboration and mutual transformation that began in the eighteenth century, literally boomed during the Harlem Renaissance/Weimar Republic, could not even be liquidated by the Third Reich's `Degenerate Art' campaigns, and, with new media available to further exchanges, is still increasingly empowering and inspiring participants on both sides of the Atlantic.

Details zur Publikation

VerlagLIT Verlag
ErscheinungsortBerlin, Münster
Titel der ReiheFORECAAST
Nr. in Reihe18
Link zum Volltext
StichwörterUSA; Schwarze; Kulturaustausch; Deutschland; Geschichte 1811-2004; Kongress; Münster <2006>

Herausgeber*innen der Universität Münster

Diedrich, Maria
Englisches Seminar