SFB 858 B12 - Multiskalenmodellierung der Kooperativität komplexer molekularer Systeme

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des ProjektesTeilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert an der Universität Münster
Laufzeit an der Universität Münster01.01.2010 - 31.12.2013 | 1. Förderperiode


Investigating cooperative effects across a wide range of complex molecular systems is a significant undertaking. This research project B12 will naturally begin with the careful acquisition of a set of accurate structures that may exhibit cooperative effects. In the next phase, a systematic and thorough investigation of their intrinsic properties will ensue. In this manner, investigating cooperative effects within complex molecular systems is envisaged. The research program is naturally separated into two levels. Firstly, an exploration of cooperative effects that are ubiquitous in biomolecules shall be pursued. Secondly, an active role in co-developing strategies to model catalysts that possesses desirable physiochemical properties mediated (in part) by cooperative effects shall be undertaken. This project will initially implement an adaptive-Quantum Mechanical (QM)/Molecular Mechanical (MM) scheme. In such an adaptive scheme, the QM and MM assignment of molecules is not rigid and molecules can freely change layers throughout a simulation.

Stichwörtermulti scale modeling; cooperativity; complex molecular systems
Webseite des Projektshttp://www.uni-muenster.de/SFB858/
FörderkennzeichenINST 211/561-1:1
Mittelgeber / Förderformat
  • DFG - Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB)

Projektleitung der Universität Münster

Waller, Mark Paul
Professur für Theoretische Organische Chemie (Prof. Neugebauer)

Antragsteller*innen der Universität Münster

Waller, Mark Paul
Professur für Theoretische Organische Chemie (Prof. Neugebauer)