FOR 1336 - Von Monozyten bis zu Hirnmakrophagen -Einflüsse auf die Eigenschaften myeloider Zellen im Gehirn - A3: Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors PU.1 für die Differenzierung und Funktion peripherer Makrophagen

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des ProjektesTeilprojekt in DFG-Verbund koordiniert außerhalb der Universität Münster
Laufzeit an der Universität Münster01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015 | 2. Förderperiode


The PU.1 transcription factor is essential for the differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells into early myeloid progenitors, but its role in mature myeloid cells is poorly understood. To elucidate whether PU.1 is required for macrophage homeostasis in the brain, we have generated a mouse model in which the PU.1 gene can be inductively deleted in macrophages using the myeloid-specific CX3CR1GFP-ERT-Cre allele. Unexpectedly, our preliminary data suggest that PU.1 ablation leads to an expanded rather than reduced brain macrophage compartment, and skews peripheral blood myeloid cells towards inflammatory monocytes. In the upcoming funding period, we aim on extending our investigation of the functional role of PU.1 in adult macrophage homeostasis, with a particular focus on macrophages of the brain. Moreover, we will explore whether PU.1 controls macrophage function during a pathological scenario within the central nervous system. Finally, we will use genome-wide technologies to identify PU.1 target genes and PU.1-occupied chromatin sites in brain macrophages, and will compare these data with those of macrophages from another tissue. Taken together, these experiments will provide important novel insight into the mechanistic regulation of brain macrophage homeostasis and function.

StichwörterHirnmakrophagen; Molekulare Tumorbiologie; Neurologie; Neuropathologie
FörderkennzeichenRO 2295/4-2
Mittelgeber / Förderformat
  • DFG - Forschungsgruppe (FOR)

Projektleitung der Universität Münster

Dugas, Martin
Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Rosenbauer, Frank
Institut für Molekulare Tumorbiologie

Antragsteller*innen der Universität Münster

Rosenbauer, Frank
Institut für Molekulare Tumorbiologie

Koordinierende Organisationen außerhalb der Universität Münster

  • Charité - Universitätsmedizin BerlinDeutschland