Ueberwindung des Fluches der Dimension: Stochastische Approximationsalgorithmen fuer hochdimensionale partielle Differentialgleichungen (CURSEOFDIM)

Grunddaten zu diesem Projekt

Art des ProjektesEigenmittelprojekt
Laufzeit an der Universität Münster01.09.2019 - 31.08.2024


Partial differential equations (PDEs) are among the most universal tools used in modeling problems in nature and man-made complex systems. The PDEs appearing in applications are often high dimensional. Such PDEs can typically not be solved explicitly anddeveloping efficient numerical algorithms for high dimensional PDEs is one of the most challenging tasks in applied mathematics. As is well-known, the difficulty lies in the so-called ''curse of dimensionality'' in the sense that the computational effort of standard approximation algorithms grows exponentially in the dimension of the considered PDE. It is the key objective of this research project to overcome this curse of dimensionality and to construct and analyze new approximation algorithms which solve high dimensional PDEs with a computational effffort that grows at most polynomially in both the dimension of the PDE and the reciprocal of the prescribed approximation precision.

StichwörterFluch der Dimension; partielle Differentialgleichung; stochastischer Algorithmus; Monte Carlo; neuronale Netzwerke

Projektleitung der Universität Münster

Jentzen, Arnulf
Institut für Analysis und Numerik