Premio del Rey Prize für das beste Buch in spanischer Geschichte vor 1516 (Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain) 2009

Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Forschungspreis oder andere Auszeichnung
Verliehen von: American Historical Association
Verliehen an: Kogman-Appel Katrin
Bekannt gegeben am: 31.12.2008
Verleihung erfolgte am: 15.01.2009
Höhe des Preisgeldes: 1000 USD

Über die Preisverleihung

Illuminated Haggadot from Medieval Spain: Biblical Imagery and the Passover Holiday (Penn State Univ. Press)

Über den Preis

The American Historical Association awards the Premio del Rey biennially for a distinguished book in English in the field of early Spanish history. It was endowed by a gift of Robert I. Burns, SJ, from his Llull and Catalonia prizes and covers the medieval period in Spain’s history and culture CE 500–1516. The terms of the prize include works on Hispanic history and culture, including the Islamic and Jewish communities of medieval Spain as well as early New World topics prior to 1516. The current prize amount is $1,000.
Art des Preises: Buchpreis
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