Nominated Participant at the Doctoral Consortium of ICLS 2008
Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung
Art des Preises: Stipendium
Verliehen von: International Conference for the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Utrecht, Netherlands
Verliehen an: Porsch, Torsten
Bekannt gegeben am: 15.06.2008
Über die Preisverleihung
Doctoral Consortium Workshop The Doctoral Consortium Workshop is by invitation only and will provide an opportunity for Ph.D. Students around the world working in learning science-related areas to discuss their dissertation work among themselves and with more senior mentors. Most applicants will have completed their dissertation proposal (or equivalent), and be at a stage in their work where the consortium participants may be of help in shaping the research or analysis activities.
Besonderheiten & Anmerkungen: ICLS (International Conference of the Learning Sciences)