ABRF Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Biomolecular Technologies

Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Forschungspreis oder andere Auszeichnung
Verliehen von: The Associan of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF)
Verliehen an: Hillenkamp, Franz; Karas, Michael
Verleihung erfolgte am: 01.01.2003

Über die Preisverleihung

Link zur Pressemitteilung des Verleihers: http://www.abrf.org/index.cfm/page/home/Awards/ABRF_Awards.htm

Über den Preis

Biological research is driven by technology. As new instruments and chemistries are conceived and implemented, new frontiers are created and new possibilities emerge. Technology, from the invention of the light microscope to the deciphering of the Human Genome, opens doors into the unknown that otherwise remain firmly sealed. The ABRF Award recognizes those pioneers responsible for developing these powerful new tools that serve as the foundation of the modern biological research enterprise. The award is presented at the annual ABRF Conference.
Art des Preises: Sonstige persönliche Ehrung oder Ernennung
Webseite des Preises oder Verleihers: http://www.abrf.org/index.cfm/page/home/Awards/ABRF_Awards.htm