Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung
Art des Preises: Forschungspreis oder andere Auszeichnung
Verliehen von: American Mathematical Society
Verliehen an: Cuntz, Joachim
Verleihung erfolgte am: 15.01.2013
Über den Preis
The Fellows of the American Mathematical Society program recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics. The goals of the Fellows program are: - To create an enlarged class of mathematicians recognized by their peers as distinguished for their contributions to the profession. - To honor not only the extraordinary but also the excellent. - To lift the morale of the profession by providing an honor more accessible than those currently available. - To make mathematicians more competitive for awards, promotion, and honors when they are being compared with colleagues from other disciplines. - To support the advancement of more mathematicians in leadership positions in their own institutions and in the broader society. The responsibilities of Fellows are: - To take part in the election of new Fellows, - To present a “public face” of excellence in mathematics, and - To advise the President and/or the Council on public matters when requested.
Art des Preises: Sonstige persönliche Ehrung oder Ernennung