Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Stipendium
Verliehen von: Horizon Europe Framework Programme
Verliehen an: Hebenbrock Marian
Bekannt gegeben am: 01.01.2018

Über den Preis

The project is based on a program of visits, in the form of traditional transnational access, with researchers visiting HPC centres and/or scientific hosts who mentor them scientifically and technically for the best exploitation of the HPC resources in their research. The visitors are financially supported for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project (PLEASE NOTE: the provided funding is not a salary and not meant to cover ALL costs but it is meant to be an help to support the visiting period). Applications for the programme are welcomed from academic or industrial researchers at any level, from postgraduate students to the most senior researchers, who are working on non-proprietary research in any discipline where access to HPC facilities is beneficial. Researchers who do not have access to similar HPC facilities are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants must be working in a research group based in an eligible country, i.e. any EU member state or Associated State.
Art des Preises: Reisestipendium
Webseite des Preises oder Verleihers: http://www.hpc-europa.eu
Zeitraum der Vergabe: 2022