Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung
Art des Preises: Stipendium
Verliehen von: Carnegie Institution for Science, USA
Verliehen an: Steenstra, Edgar
Bekannt gegeben am: 01.03.2018
Über den Preis
Carnegie's superb postdocs are at the heart of many of our phenomenal discoveries. They are innovators, collaborators, and community leaders who bring new perspectives to existing research and inspire colleagues to reconceive what is possible. Carnegie recognizes that well-trained, well-supported postdoctoral fellows are not only more satisfied and productive but that they also leave the Institution with greater professional skills and broader professional networks. Year after year, Carnegie is able to recruit a remarkable cadre of young researchers because of our unique ecosystem: one where postdocs are encouraged to independently pursue bold investigative paths while also navigating new professional responsibilities. Carnegie postdoctoral fellowships are extremely competitive and highly coveted. Our postdocs go on to achieve remarkable success in academia, government, and industry. And as alumni, they burnish our reputation as an organization that provides unparalleled opportunities for early career researchers to pursue their own paths to discovery.
Art des Preises: Forschungsstipendium