Member des Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton (NJ)

Grunddaten zur Preisverleihung

Art des Preises: Forschungspreis oder andere Auszeichnung
Verliehen von: Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton (NJ)
Verliehen an: Sänger, P
Bekannt gegeben am: 15.01.2014
Verleihung erfolgte am: 15.01.2014

Über die Preisverleihung

Funding provided by the Herodotus Fund
Besonderheiten & Anmerkungen: Kein Preis i.e.S., sondern eher eine Station im CV.
Link zur Pressemitteilung des Verleihers:änger

Über den Preis

Each year, the Institute for Advanced Study selects approximately 200 Members from an average of more than 1,500 applicants. Members are selected by the Faculty of each School, and come to the Institute for periods as short as one term or as long as several years. Young scholars and applicants from non-traditional backgrounds who have outstanding promise are considered, as are senior scholars whose reputations are already well established. The major consideration in the appointment process is the expectation that each Member’s period of residence at the Institute will result in work of significance and originality. Many Members pursue research related to the special interests of one or more of the Faculty. In other instances, the research of Members is in areas not currently represented by a member of the Faculty.
Art des Preises: Sonstige persönliche Ehrung oder Ernennung
Webseite des Preises oder Verleihers: