Pragmatic variation worldwide: A variational-pragmatic analysis of question tags in different varieties of English

Grunddaten zum Habilitationsverfahren

Habilitationsverfahren erfolgt(e) an: Habilitationsverfahren erfolgt(e) an der Universität Münster
Zeitraum01.04.2016 - 31.07.2023
Venia Legendi für das FachEnglische Philologie
Name der*des Habilitand*inWestphal, Michael
Verleihende FakultätFachbereich 09 - Philologie
Liste aller betreuenden / begutachtenden PersonenDeuber, Dagmar
Beschreibung<p>English today is a heterogeneous global language comprising a wide array of standard and non-standard varieties. The coexistence of several standard varieties of English makes English a pluricentric language. The International Corpus of English (ICE), with its growing number of matching national components, provides a rich tool for the analysis of Englishes in the inner and outer circle. In very general terms research on World Englishes has repeatedly shown that “accent divides, and syntax unites” (Mair 2007: 97), while the question of pragmatic variation in World Englishes has largely been ignored.</p> <p>            This post-doc project adds a pragmatic perspective to World Englishes research by investigating the use of tag questions in four varieties of English: Irish English, Trinidadian English, Nigerian English, and Philippine English. The analysis is based on corpus data from the four respective components of the ICE. In contrast to previous research on tag questions in different varieties of English (e.g. Columbus 2009; Tottie & Hoffmann 2006) the study analyzes both variant/canonical, such as <em>did I</em> or <em>are you</em>, as well as invariant tag questions, such as <em>right</em> or <em>eh</em>. The analysis takes into account the position in a speaker’s turn as well as the pragmatic meaning of tag questions as these discourse-pragmatic features fulfill diverse functions in linguistic interactions. In line with Biber’s (1995) observation that “linguistic differences among registers within a language are far more noteworthy” than “linguistic differences among geographic and social dialects” (pp. 1-2), I take into account the internal heterogeneity of the four Englishes by analyzing the variation of tag questions along four different text types of the ICE: face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, classroom lessons, and legal cross-examinations. These explanatory variables with their different categorical levels potentially interact in complex ways. In order to show how form, position, pragmatic function, and text type interact the analysis uses multinomial logistic regression models (Levshina 2015:277-300).</p> <p>            Schneider & Barron (2008) have defined such a quantitative variationist approach to pragmatic variation as variational pragmatics. This new and growing field of research addresses the effects of macro- and micro-social factors on pragmatic variation. Most research in this area has focused on British (e.g. Aijmer 2013; Beeching 2016; Pichler 2013) and Irish English (e.g. Barron et al. 2015; Schweinberger 2015) while variational pragmatic studies on New Englishes are rare. For instance there are only few studies on tag questions in New Englishes (e.g. Borlongan 2008; Columbus 2009; Parviainen 2016). In addition to this research gap with regard to region, text type has been largely neglected as a factor in variational pragmatics: most research on discourse pragmatic features has focused exclusively on informal conversations. In contrast, Aijmer (2013) studies pragmatic markers in different spoken text types of ICE Great Britain and illustrates that there are salient “text type specific functions resulting from the ‘stretching’ or ‘modification’ of an already existing meaning” (pp. 148).</p> <p>            This study addresses these existing research gaps in World Englishes and variational pragmatics. By focusing on text type variation I want to advance a more nuanced view on New Englishes which challenges existing assumptions of the homogeneity of newly emerging Standard Englishes (e.g. Kachru 1985; Schneider 2007: 51). The project uses text type and thus the ICE design to a fuller potential than most existing ICE-based research on New Englishes, which often pools all text types together or reduces text type variation to a formal/informal dichotomy, and also than variational pragmatics, which mostly focuses on informal conversations. Variational pragmatics with the focus on text type variation has the potential to provide a fresh view on the similarities and differences between World Englishes.</p>