Matrix Field Theory

Grunddaten zum Promotionsverfahren

Promotionsverfahren erfolgt(e) an: Promotionsverfahren an der Universität Münster
Zeitraum01.08.2017 - 11.03.2020
Promovend*inHock, Alexander
AbschlussgradDr. rer. nat.
Verleihender FachbereichFachbereich 10 - Mathematik und Informatik
Betreuer*innenWulkenhaar, Raimar


This thesis studies matrix field theories, which are a special type of matrix models. First, the different types of applications are pointed out, from (noncommutative) quantum field theory over 2-dimensional quantum gravity up to algebraic geometry with explicit computation of intersection numbers on the moduli space of complex curves. The Kontsevich model, which has proved the Witten conjecture, is the simplest example of a matrix field theory. Generalisations of this model will be studied, where different potentials and the spectral dimension are introduced. Because they are naturally embedded into a Riemann surface, the correlation functions are graded by the genus and thenumber of boundary components. The renormalisation procedure of quantum field theory leads to finite UV-limit. We provide a method to determine closed Schwinger-Dyson equations with the usage of Ward-Takahashi identities in the continuum limit. The cubic (Kontsevich model) and the quartic (Grosse-Wulkenhaar model) potentials are studied separately. The cubic model is solved completely for any spectral dimension < 8, i.e. all correlation functions are derived explicitly. Inspired by topological recursion, we propose creation and annihilation operators by differential and residue operators. The exact results are confirmed by perturbative computations with Feynman graphs renormalised by Zimmermann’s forest formula. The number and the amplitudes of the graphs grow factorially, which is known as renormalon problem. However, these series are convergent since the exact results are provided. A further differential operator is derived to determine allfree energies. Additionally, by the theorem of Kontsevich, the intersection numbers of the moduli space of complex curves $\bar{\mathcal{M}}_{g,b}$ are found. For the quartic model, the 2-point function is derived for any spectral dimension < 6 explicitly. The first step is to derive an angle function which is, after analytic continuation, interpreted as an effective measure. On the 4-dimensional noncommutative Moyal space, the effective measure is given by a hypergeometric function. Its asymptotic behaviour changes the spectral dimension effectively to $4 - 2 \frac{\arcsin(\lambda \pi)}{\pi}$ for $\lambda| < \frac{1}{\pi}$. This dimension drop prevents the quantum field theoretical 4-dimensional $\Phi^4$-model on the Moyal spacefrom the triviality problem. After combinatorial analysis, an explicit (not recursive) formula for any planar N -point function is provided. The evident difference between the cubic and the quartic model is of algebraic-geometric nature. Computing correlation functions via topological recursion needs the spectral curve as initial data. This algebraic curve has for the cubic model only onebranch point which coincides with the pole of the stable correlation functions. However, the quartic model has a spectral curve which admits infinitely many branch points in the continuum limit.

Promovend*in an der Universität Münster

Hock, Alexander
Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar)

Betreuung an der Universität Münster

Wulkenhaar, Raimar
Professur für Reine Mathematik (Prof. Wulkenhaar)