Zeige 1 bis 10 von 11 Ergebnissen
Theological (im)possibilities for reconciliation in Ukraine Regina Elsner (15/03/2024) Religion and War in Ukraine: The Political, the Public, and the Possible, University of Alberta, Edmonton Type of talk: scientific talk | |
„Spiritual Independence“ and the Future Religious Landscape of Ukraine Elsner, Regina (14/02/2024) Ringvorlesung "Rethinking and Reimagining Ukraine in Times of War – and After", Humboldt-Universität, Berlin Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Der Krieg ändert - nichts? Die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche als global player rechts-religiöser Allianzen. Elsner, Regina (06/09/2023) Summerschool: Topoi und Netzwerke der religiösen Rechten, Tübingen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
„„First to suffer, last to be heard” - The Role of Women in Christian Religious Diplomacy during Russia’s War in Ukraine. Elsner, Regina (31/08/2023) "Imperial Powers and Women: Trauma, Resistance and Resilience" ESWTR Congress, Lviv/Online Type of talk: scientific talk | |
»Gott auf dem Maidan« – Die Rolle der Kirchen in den gesellschaftlichen Aufbrüchen der Ukraine seit 1991. Elsner, Regina (05/07/2023) RINGVORLESUNG „REVOLUTION – REAKTION –RELIGION. 1848 IN PERSPEKTIVE, Frankfurt/Main Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Die Kirchen und der Krieg: Gebrochene Resonanzen der christlichen Friedensbotschaft Elsner, Regina (02/07/2023) Potsdamer Hochschulgottesdienste, Potsdam Type of talk: sermon | |
Orthodoxy in the discourse about the war in Russia and Ukraine Elsner, Regina (16/06/2023) IB Sektionstagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Friedrichshafen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Eastern European Orthodox Churches and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Elsner, Regina (13/06/2023) Seventh Annual Tartu Conference on East European and Eurasian Studies, Tartu Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Orthodoxy at war: Religious arguments in Russia’s aggression Elsner, Regina (16/05/2023) Russia’s war, Ukraine’s resistance: historical, cultural, religious and media aspects, Flensburg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Community and Individual in Russian Orthodox Tradition Elsner, Regina (13/05/2023) Individual and Community in the Wake of the Public Discourse of the Church in Orthodox Theology, Orthodox Theological Academy Volos Type of talk: scientific talk |