Zeige 1 bis 10 von 11 Ergebnissen
Teaching critical discourse literacies – (re)considering the primary goal of the English language classroom Marxl, Anika; Römhild, Ricardo (17/09/2022) Second Language Teacher Education: Challenges and New Horizons, Wien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Die Mischung macht's: Sprachmittlung als Chance für Mehrsprachigkeit Marxl Anika, Matz Frauke (12/02/2021) Ideenwerkstatt Englisch, Online Type of talk: practical talk | |
Kulturelles Lernen durch Sprachmittlung. Marxl, Anika; Matz, Frauke (11/09/2020) Webinar Impulse , Westermann Verlag, online Type of talk: practical talk | |
Blogs, Memes, Insta Posts – multimodale Texte sprachmitteln Marxl, Anika (03/12/2019) Gastvortrag, Bergische Universtität Wuppertal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Blogs, Memes, Insta posts - Multimodale Texte Sprachmitteln Marxl, Anika (03/12/2019) Gastvortrag in der Romanistikdidaktik, Universität Wuppertal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
(invited) International Service Learning - Cultivating Global Citizenship? Marxl, Anika (28/06/2019) Gastvortrag , Universität Paderborn Type of talk: scientific talk | |
International Service Learning - Cultivating Global Citizenship? Marxl, Anika (28/06/2019) Gastvortrag Universität Paderborn Englischdidaktik, Universität Paderborn Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Discourse Competences for Global Issues Marxl, Anika (15/04/2019) 50th annual IATEFL Conference, Birmingham Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Reading Websites Critically – A Guide towards Global Digital Citizenship Marxl, Anika; Römhild, Ricardo (26/03/2019) Internationale Konferenz Education the Global Citizen – International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the…, LMU München Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Global Service Learning – A New Perspective for Global Citizenship Education in the EFL Classroom?! Marxl, Anika (25/03/2019) Internationale Konferenz Education the Global Citizen – International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the…, LMU München Type of talk: scientific talk |