Zeige 1 bis 10 von 52 Ergebnissen
‘Let us never forget’. Lessons from the petitions of Jewish persecutees to Pius XII. Wolf, Hubert (12/11/2024) Resilienz gegen Antisemitismus , Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
‘In bitter distress I turn to Your Holiness.’ The digital edition of Jewish letters of supplication and their significance for theology and society Schüler, Barbara; Kempe, Maik; Middendorf, Christian (28/10/2024) (Ring-)Vorlesung: Theologie im Kontext von Digitalität, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
‘Holy Father, save us!’ Petition from Jewish people to Pope Pius XII. Wolf, Hubert; Haack, Jana; (09/10/2024) Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hubert Wolf , Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
‘Holy Father, save us!’ The letters of petition from Jewish people to Pope Pius XII. Wolf, Hubert; Schüler, Barbara (07/09/2024) Gründungsfest Katholische Akademie Schwerte, Schwerte Type of talk: (honorific) speech | |
The Pope who kept silent? Pius XII and the Holocaust Wolf, Hubert; (21/06/2024) Vortragsreihe, Ellwangen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The „Double Agent“ Aloisius Muench as Apostolic Visitator and Nuncio in Post-War Germany (1946-1959) Wolf, Hubert; (06/06/2024) Souverainetés fragiles. Diplomatie et diplomates du Saint-Siège face aux recompositions territoriales et frontalières…, Lyon Type of talk: scientific talk | |
And forgive us our trespasses? Churches and monasteries under National Socialism Wolf, Hubert (16/05/2024) Ausstellungseröffnung im Kloster Dalheim, Stiftung Kloster Dalheim, Lichtenau-Dalheim Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Heresy! Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg before the tribunal of the Roman Inquisition Wolf, Hubert (03/05/2024) Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg 1774-1860". Kirchenfürst, Politiker, Sammler, Dichter, , Konstanz Type of talk: (honorific) speech | |
"Holy Father, save us!" Letters of petition from Jewish people from the time of the Shoah Wolf, Hubert; Richter, Elisabeth-Marie; Hinkel, Sascha; (15/04/2024) Der Hügel ist Vortrag: Vortrag von Prof. Hubert Wolf , Essen, Villa Hügel Type of talk: scientific talk | |
1000 years of Wört - Lecture on the occasion of the jubilee Wolf, Hubert; (21/03/2024) Jubiläumsfeier: 1000 Jahre Wört, Wört Type of talk: (honorific) speech |