Zeige 1 bis 10 von 22 Ergebnissen
Exploring new means of source transparency: Footnote journalism's effects on credibility and news engagement Wehden, Lars-Ole; Uth, Bernadette; von den Driesch, Lea; Engelke, Katherine M.; Springer, Nina (14/06/2025) 75th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Transitioning to transparency: Footnote journalism as a novel journalistic practice Wehden, Lars-Ole, Uth, Bernadette, von den Driesch, Lea, Engelke, Katherine M., Springer, Nina (25/09/2024) 10th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Ljubljana Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Glaubwürdigkeitsheuristiken und die Entwicklung von Medienmisstrauen – Erkenntnisse aus qualitativen Interviews mit Jugendlichen [Credibility heuristics and… Fawzi, Nayla; Jakobs, Ilka; Steindl, Nina; Obermaier, Magdalena; Arlt, Dorothee; Dohle, Marco; Engelke, Katherine M.; Jackob, Nikolaus; Klawier, Tilman; Pohle, Henriette; Prochazka, Fabian; Schweiger, Wolfgang; & Ziegele, Marc (01/12/2023) Tagung “Medien-Misstrauen” der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Soziologie der Medienkommunikation, Mannheim Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Emotion-inducing content in crisis coverage. A multi-method analysis of fear appeals in UK news coverage of the coronavirus. Hase, Valerie; Engelke, Katherine M. (27/05/2021) ICA Annual Conference, Denver, USA Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Theorie-Praxis-Kooperationen: Debattenbeitrag zu Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Journalismusforschung [Theorie-Practice-Cooperations: Debate piece on… Engelke, Katherine M.; Uth, Bernadette; Blöbaum, Bernd; Badura, Laura (25/09/2020) Tagung "Interdisziplinäre Journalismusforschung – Journalismus interdisziplinär" der DGPuK-Fachgruppe…, Hamburg, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Institutionalised Interdisciplinarity: Chances and Challenges for the readjustment of journalism studies Uth, Bernadette; Badura, Laura; Blöbaum, Bernd; Engelke, Katherine M. (19/09/2019) Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Journalistik/Journalismusforschung zum Thema "Neujustierung der…, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Things We Fear – Using Automated Content Analysis to Uncover How UK and US Media Construct Fear over Time (1990-2017) Hase, Valerie; Kieslich, Kimon; Engelke, Katherine M. (27/05/2019) ICA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., USA Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Literature Review on Participatory Journalism Engelke, Katherine M. (24/05/2019) ICA Pre-Conference “Engaged Journalism: Bridging Research and Practice”, Washington, D.C., USA Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Angst vor Terror, Klimawandel & Arbeitslosigkeit? Eine automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse von Themen und Trends im Kontext von Angst in den Medien [Fear of Terror,… Hase, Valerie; Engelke, Katherine M.; Kieslich, Kimon (11/05/2019) DGPuK Jahrestagung, Münster, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Incomplete, Erroneous, and Distorted Information? The Metajournalistic Discourse About the Risks of News Media Use for Recipients. Badura, Laura; Engelke, Katherine M.; Hase, Valerie (14/02/2019) ECREA Journalism Studies Conference, Vienna, Austria Type of talk: scientific talk |