Zeige 1 bis 10 von 10 Ergebnissen
Explaining Religion - sociological approaches in the interpretation of religion Gärtner, Christel (05/10/2017) Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipeh, Taiwan Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Understanding Religion - a reconstructive approach to religious research Gärtner, Christel (03/10/2017) Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Teipeh, Taiwan Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Religious Field in Germany: Change from a Christian to a secular and religious pluralized society Gärtner, Christel (02/10/2017) Institut der Religionswissenschaft, National Chen-chi University, Theipeh, Taiwan Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Feministische Debatte zur „Emanzipation muslimischer Frauen“ Gärtner, Christel (28/09/2017) Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Geschlechterforschung , Universität zu Köln, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Perception of Islamic Gender Inequality in Secularized Western Societies Gärtner, Christel (06/07/2017) ISSR Conference: Religion, Cooperation and Conflict in Diverse Societies, University of Lausanne, Schwitzerland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Die normative Krise der 1960er Jahre: Der Wandel von Familie, Geschlechterverhältnis und Sexualität Gärtner Christel (03/02/2017) Verflüssigung und Verfestigung von Normen und normativen Diskursen, Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Gendered identity, Islamic religiosity, and Muslim youth in Germany Gärtner Christel (24/06/2016) European Migration and Refugee Crisis: Contested Politics of Social Integration and Identity, University of Cambridge Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Gendered identity, Islamic religiosity, and Muslim youth in Germany Gärtner, Christel (24/06/2016) European Migration and Refugee Crisis: Contested Politics of Social Integration and Identit, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, Peterhouse , England Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Kommentar Gärtner Christel (14/04/2016) Religionssoziologie und soziologische Theoriebildung, Lichtenbergkolleg Göttingen, 15./16.04.2016 Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Immer vereinzelter, immer verschiedener? Beobachtungen aus der Sicht einer Sozialwissenschaftlerin Gärtner Christel (21/01/2016) Kirche neu denken, Evangelische Akademie, Loccum Type of talk: scientific talk |