Zeige 1 bis 6 von 6 Ergebnissen
Solution of φ^4_4 on the Moyal Space Hock, Alexander (19/11/2020) Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, IHES, Paris, France Type of talk: scientific talk | |
From the quartic analogue of the Kontsevich model to the Hermitian 2-Matrix Model Hock, Alexander (27/05/2020) Séminaire Tensor Journal Club, France (remote talk) Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Topological Recusion of the Kontsevich Model and its Quartic Analogue Hock, Alexander (04/12/2019) Research Seminar: Algebraic Geometry, Tübingen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Solution of the noncommutative φ^4_4 model Hock, Alexander (26/10/2019) LQP, Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT, Göttingen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Matrix Field Theory Hock, Alexander (12/03/2019) Research Seminar: Differential Geometry, Tokyo University of Science Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Schwinger-Dyson equations and Ward identities in NC QFT on the example of scalar models Hock, Alexander (22/06/2018) LQP, Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT, Wuppertal Type of talk: scientific talk |