Zeige 1 bis 9 von 9 Ergebnissen
The extent of determinacy in omega-small mice Schlutzenberg, Farmer (10/01/2022) Set Theory Workshop (ID: 2202), MFO (Oberwolfach, Germany) Type of talk: scientific talk | |
M_1 and its strategy extensions Schlutzenberg Farmer (26/09/2019) 15th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory, Luminy, Frankreich Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Varsovian models with infinitely many Woodin cardinals Schlutzenberg Farmer (16/07/2019) Berkeley conference on inner model theory, Berkeley, California, USA Type of talk: scientific talk | |
HODs, mantles, strategy mice, and self-iterability Schlutzenberg, Farmer (04/07/2019) Seventh European Set Theory Conference, Wien, Österreich Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Scales from mice Schlutzenberg Farmer (17/07/2018) 1st Girona conference on inner model theory, The university of Girona, Girona, Katalonien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Semiscales constructed directly from mice Schlutzenberg Farmer (29/01/2018) Bonn Oberseminar mathematische Logik, Universität Bonn Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Semiscales constructed from mice Schlutzenberg Farmer (01/08/2017) In mice we trust - 4th Münster conference on inner model theory, WWU Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Ordinal definability in extender models Schlutzenberg Farmer (02/08/2016) Logic Colloquium 2016, Leeds, UK Type of talk: scientific talk | |
HOD^L[E] above omega_3^L[E] below a Woodin limit of Woodins Schlutzenberg Farmer (20/07/2016) 1st Irvine conference on descriptive inner model theory and hod mice, UC Irvine, California, USA Type of talk: scientific talk |