Zeige 1 bis 10 von 14 Ergebnissen
Research communication – between pluralisation and polarisation. A glance at the social sciences and humanities. van Melis, Viola (04/07/2024) Forschungsdialog Sozialwissenschaften, Münster Type of talk: practical talk | |
Research communication for the humanities and social sciences. Examples of how to encounter an increasingly populistic climate of debate. van Melis, Viola (02/12/2020) 72. Jahrestagung der „Brasilianischen Gesellschaft für den Fortschritt der Wissenschaft“ (SBPC), Roundtable „Challenges…, São Paulo Type of talk: practical talk | |
The significance of religion in the 21st-century public van Melis, Viola (13/09/2016) Medientreff der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin und des Fördervereins des Instituts zur Förderung publizistischen…, Berlin Type of talk: practical talk | |
commentary on the lecture of communication scientist Tim Karis: “Kosher cookery shows, Muslim broadcasting councils and the short weekly TV sermon ‘Sunday… van Melis, Viola (19/07/2016) Öffentliche Ringvorlesung „Religionspolitik heute“ des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ der Westfälischen…, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Religious policy today. Introductory lecture about key subjects of the public lecture series of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” with the same… van Melis, Viola (10/05/2016) Ringvorlesung des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ , Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Research communication for the humanities – how the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” conveys research topics in Münster’s urban public. van Melis, Viola (23/10/2015) Kongress "History Sells? – Geschichte und Marke(ting)", Historischen Rathaus in Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Discussion lecture “advantages of high-content research communication – those who convey research content give their university a public profile” van Melis, Viola (17/04/2015) Workshop „Wissenschaftskommunikation“ des Exzellenzclusters „Cells in Motion“ (CiM) der Westfälischen Wilhelms…, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Research communication for the humanities and the social sciences – a pilot project at the University of Münster’s Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” van Melis, Viola (14/04/2015) Vortragsabend bei Soroptimist International, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Religion in public – why theological expertise is in demand in the debates of a pluralistic society van Melis, Viola (25/01/2015) Studientag „Medienpräsenz in der Theologie“ des Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultätentag, Wiesbaden Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Pioneering Work at the Cluster of Excellence: Research Communication for the Humanities and Social Sciences van Melis, Viola (02/12/2014) WWU International Staff Week der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Münster Type of talk: scientific talk |