Zeige 1 bis 10 von 27 Ergebnissen
Crises, Knowledge production, and non-scalable Epistemologies: (De-) Legitimizing (Education) Research Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo; Zelinka, Jozef (11/04/2024) On the (De)Legitimization of Epistemic Authority , Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Ensino Superior na Nova Geopolítica do Conhecimento Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (19/12/2023) Simpósio Mobilidade Transatlântica na Nova Geopolítica do Conhecimento (Inter)Dependências na Educação Superior…, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Differentiation and Externalization in Comparative and International Education Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (28/11/2023) Meeting Master's Program in Comparative and International Education, Sophia University, Tokio Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Facing Crises through Education (Policy): Perspectives and Problematizations Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (26/11/2023) 13th Biennual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia 2023 Resilience and Rebuilding of Education:…, Hiroshima Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Politics Governing the Life Course: Multidimensional Perspectives Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (04/10/2023) 4th Nordic Conference on Research on Transitions, Career and Guidance, University of Turku, Finnland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Teachers in the Spotlight of the Global Education Industry: How Corporate Philanthropies Collaborate with the State to Shape Teacher Development Kurz, Benedict, Parreira do Amaral (24/08/2023) ECER Conference 2023, University of Glasgow Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Challenging the (New) Geopolitics of Knowledge: Education beyond mere survival Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (22/07/2023) Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK) Annual Conference 2023 Theme: Hegemonism and Education for…, The University of Education of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Type of talk: scientific talk | |
O Ensino Superior no Século XXI. Missão | Negócio? Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (08/02/2023) Melhor Ensino, Melhor Universidade, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Pós-colonialismo e Globalização: Uma perspectiva à partir da Educação Internacional e Comparada Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (23/09/2022) Programa Doutoral em Ciências da Educação , Universidade do Porto, Portugal Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Digitalization – De-/Respatialization – Disruption. Education in the 21st Century Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo (08/07/2022) III Congresso do Programa de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Coimbra, Portugal Type of talk: scientific talk |