Zeige 1 bis 10 von 18 Ergebnissen
Shenoute the Archimandrite: The Extraordinary Scope (and Difficulties) of His Writings Emmel, Stephen (05/04/2017) Séminaire permanent de la Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi, Université Laval, Québec, Kanada Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Shenoute the Archimandrite: The Extraordinary Scope (and Difficulties) of His Writings Emmel, Stephen (01/04/2017) Tenth Annual Symposium of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Kanada Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Looking at Coptic Literature as Sources about Africa Emmel, Stephen (27/01/2017) Written Sources about Africa and Their Study, III Dies Academicus, Classis Africana, Accademia Ambrosiana, Mailand, Italien Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Scribal Corrections in Nag Hammadi Codex III: What Can They Tell Us about the Book’s Reader(s)? Emmel, Stephen (13/12/2016) Noncanonical Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture: New Frontiers, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norwegen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Coptic Nominal Word Classes and the Problem of Coptic Adjectives Emmel, Stephen (01/12/2016) Explorations in Coptology, Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic, 27th Survey, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
"Foliation by Opening" (J. P. Gumbert 2010, §316.12) and How to Refer to It Emmel, Stephen (26/09/2016) Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Looking Back – Looking Ahead, Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Shenoute Editing Project Emmel, Stephen (29/07/2016) Eleventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, U.S.A. Type of talk: scientific talk | |
A Future for Coptic Studies Emmel, Stephen (26/07/2016) Eleventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, U.S.A. Type of talk: (honorific) speech | |
An Old Coptic Library Scattered across the World: How Can It Be Reconstructed? Emmel, Stephen (11/06/2016) 2. Tag der Münsteraner Archäologien, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Shenoute (ca. 348–465): Coptic Monk, Monastic Leader, Author Emmel, Stephen (17/05/2016) Showcase: Window onto Egyptian Monasticism. Schenute: Klostervorsteher und bedeutender koptischer Schriftsteller des…, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk |