Zeige 1 bis 10 von 13 Ergebnissen
Your God Is My God, But Your People Is Not My People. Othering in the New Testament and in Apartheid Theology Gräper, Moritz (01/03/2016) My Neighbour's God. Interfaith Spaces and Claims of Religious Identity, United Theological College (UTC), Bangalore, India Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Neighbourly Love interculturally - The Challenges of Development Cooperation Gräper, Moritz (03/02/2016) 13. Interdisziplinärer Studientag zum Thema Liebe, Kardinal von Galen Gymnasium Hiltrup, Münster Type of talk: practical talk | |
The Christmas Narrative in Bible and Qur'an - Jesus in Interreligious Dialogue Gräper, Moritz (14/12/2015) Öffentlicher Vortrag, Augustinum Detmold, Detmold Type of talk: practical talk | |
Tagged and Untagged Ways of Interpreting the Bible. A Dichotomy that Should Be Overcome Gräper, Moritz (08/09/2015) 7th International UNISA Symposium in New Testament and Early Christian Studies, Wilderness Beach Hotel, Wilderness, South Africa Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Bible and Apartheid. Some Spotlights in Biblical Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid Theology from a German Perspective Gräper, Moritz (28/08/2015) Public Lecture, University of Pretoria Type of talk: scientific talk | |
"Ras, Volk en Nasie" (1974). A Document Based on a Hermeneutical Dilemma Gräper. Moritz (26/08/2015) Research Colloquium New Testament Studies, University of Pretoria Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Remembering Jesus - A Dangerous Memory Gräper, Moritz (23/08/2015) Sunday Worship Service, St. Peter's by the Lake, Johannesburg, South Africa Type of talk: sermon | |
Jesus in the Qur'an and Islamic Tradition Gräper, Moritz (25/06/2015) Kolleg der Akademie Loccum: Jesus für Religionslose und im Dialog der Religionen, Akademie Loccum, Loccum Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Believing despite of Gräper, Moritz (17/05/2015) Evangelischer Universitätsgottesdienst der WWU, Evangelische Universitätskirche, Münster Type of talk: sermon | |
Islam and I - Interreligious Dialogue with Muslims Gräper, Moritz (14/03/2015) Tagung der Pfarrfrauen der Lippischen Landeskirche, Gutshof Hankenegge, Kalletal Type of talk: practical talk |