Zeige 1 bis 10 von 11 Ergebnissen
From profession to vocation and back? Potentials of process and figurational sociology for higher education research Dahl, Valerie (23/06/2023) Zur Transformation sozialer Kanons. Prozesssoziologische Perspektiven auf das 21. Jahrhundert, Münster Type of talk: scientific talk | |
“Should I stay or should I go?” Institutional determinants of academic careers from a process-sociological perspective Dahl, Valerie (09/12/2022) The Fantasy-Reality Continuum: Science, Religion, Politics, Culture, Warschau Type of talk: scientific talk | |
„Allein die schiere Masse hilft schon“ – Über Diskriminierung in männerdominierten Arbeitsorganisationen und Interventionsstrategien der Beteiligten Dahl, Valerie (27/09/2022) 41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bielefeld Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Drag-Effects in Academia? Knowledge Work(ers) between Precarious Employment and Scholarly Culture Dahl, Valerie (19/03/2022) Long-Term Processes in Human History: A Tribute to Johan Goudsblom, Amsterdam Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Unequal Chances and Hostile Workplaces: Sociological Research on Academic Physics Dahl, Valerie (07/12/2021) MCQST Colloquium, MCQST, München, Deutschland Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Female Physicists: Outsiders In Their Own Field? A Figurational Exploration Of Men And Women In Male Dominated Working Organisations Dahl, Valerie (03/09/2021) 15th European Sociological Association Conference, Barcelona Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Gender and/in Physics: A Sociological Perspective on Gender-Related Inequality in Male-Dominated Academic Disciplines Dahl, Valerie (01/09/2021) Annual Meeting of the Research Training Group Physics of the Heaviest Particles at the LHC, RWTH Aachen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Gender & Diversity at University: Inequality between dynamic structures and rigid bureaucracy Dahl, Valerie (22/06/2021) »gender & diversity to go«, Universität Bremen Type of talk: scientific talk | |
„Soll ich jetzt was sagen? Das merkt doch eigentlich jeder. Oder merkt das doch nicht jeder?“ Interventionsstrategien von Physiker*innen… Valerie Dahl (09/02/2021) Gender Breakfast Talk, Gleichstellungsbüro FB 11, WWU Münster (digital) Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Norbert Elias – ein unterschätzter Gender-Klassiker? Zur Relevanz der Elias‘schen Figurationssoziologie für die Geschlechterforschung der Gegenwart
Dahl, Valerie (17/01/2020) "Irgendwas mit Gender 2.0" - Was mache ich hier eigentlich?!" Neues aus der Arbeit der Mitglieder des…, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Type of talk: scientific talk |