Zeige 1 bis 10 von 12 Ergebnissen
Forming a Hebraist “Canon” of Jewish Literature: German Hebraica Collections around 1500 Steimann, Ilona (22/05/2017) EAJS Conference: Jewish Books and their Christian Collectors in Europe, the New World and Czarist Russia, Christ Church, Oxford Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Letters to the Rabbis: Jewish-Christian Scholarly Relations at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century Steimann, Ilona (15/09/2016) International conference: Interwoven Regional Worlds: Jews and Christians in Bavaria, Bohemia and Austria (1349–1648),…, Regensburg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
’Das es dasselb puch sey’: Taking a Jewry-Oath in 15th-Century Nuremberg Steimann, Ilona (22/12/2014) Lectures of the finalists competing for the Mandel Postdoctoral Fellowships, 2015–2018, Mandel Scholion: Interdisciplinary Research Center in the Humanities and Jewish Studies. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Hebrew and Multilingualism in German Hebraist Manuscript-Compilations Steimann, Ilona (15/10/2014) International conference: Hebrew Manuscripts Study and its status quaestionis , Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Hamburg University Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Hebraism without Hebrew: German Collections of Hebrew Manuscripts around 1500 Steimann, Ilona (23/06/2012) International conference: Hebrew between Jews and Christians, University of Greifswald Type of talk: scientific talk | |
From a Liturgical Object to a Polemical Instrument and beyond: Hebrew Manuscripts of Hartmann Schedel Steimann, Ilona (15/06/2012) 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art (CIHA): The Challenge of the Object, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg Type of talk: scientific talk | |
A Hebrew Manuscript as a Converted Object: the Case of Schedeliana Steimann, Ilona (01/02/2012) Annual Workshop of Junior Scholars for German History and Culture in Israel organized by the Israeli Forum for German…, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Selling Hebrew Books and Teaching Hebrew Texts between Jews and Gentiles in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century Steimann, Ilona (01/04/2011) Second Junior Scholars Workshop on Early Modern History, Ma'aleh ha-Hamisha Type of talk: scientific talk | |
The Story of One Acquisition: Ulrich Fugger and his Collection of Hebrew Candiote Manuscripts Steimann, Ilona (01/03/2011) International workshop: Minorities in Colonial Settings: the Jews in Venice's Hellenic Territories (1400–1800), Tel Aviv University Type of talk: scientific talk | |
Jewish Scribal Workshop Initiated by a Christian Humanist: Johann Jakob Fugger and his Hebrew Manuscripts Steimann, Ilona (12/03/2010) Eighth Annual Conference of Junior Scholars of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Type of talk: scientific talk |