Zeige 1 bis 10 von 27 Ergebnissen
Vergleichende immunhistochemische Untersuchung zwischen normaler und diabetischer menschlicher Retina in Hinblick auf neuronale und nicht-neuronale Antigene Candidate: Lunatschek, Amra | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 22/12/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Der Hornhautslice in-vitro: Regionale Unterschiede im Wachstum von kornealen Epithelzellen Candidate: Bammel, Mathias | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 11/12/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
ROCKs Are Expressed In Brain Tumors and Are Required for Glioma-Cell Migration On Myelinated Axons Candidate: Oellers, Patrick | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 29/11/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Die Migration von C6-Gliom Zellen entlang regenerierter adulter Axone von retinalen Ganglienzellen der Ratte (Rattus norvegicus) in einem neuen in-vitro… Candidate: Tran, Viet Phuong | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 04/11/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Untersuchungen zu Matrix Metalloproteasen und Metalloproteaseinhibitoren im verletzten und regenerierenden Sehnerv der Ratte. Candidate: Kopsidas, Konstantinos | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 27/10/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Die Umpolung regenerierbarer retinale Ganglienzellen in ein fremdes Zielgebiet Candidate: Pfrommer, Sarah | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 06/08/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Mittelgesichtsfrakturen mit Orbita- und/oder Jochbeinbeteiligung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung "akuter" Heilungsverläufe bei speziellen Patientengruppen Candidate: Samnée, Kathrin | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 07/06/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, Größe und Verteilung der retinalen Ganglienzellen im Auge des Affen Macaca fascicularis Candidate: Triantafyllou, Georgios | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 18/05/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Kreuzreaktivität netzhautspezifischer Antikörper zwischen verschiedenen Spezies Candidate: Heller, Anne-Kathrin | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 17/05/2010 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster | |
Topographische Verteilung und Morphometrie von retinalen Mikrogliazellen Candidate: Schmidt, Matthias | Supervisors: Thanos, Solon Period of time: until 07/12/2009 Doctoral examination procedure finished at: Doctoral examination procedure at University of Münster |